Haiku #180186
Most of the stuff will
be reusable between
letters anyhow.
You're looking at every haiku that occurred on a Reddit comment between December 2005 and October 2016 (10.8 years). Some intentional, most unintentional.
The haikus make up 24,450,805 (24.4 million) characters or 4,519,927 (4.5 million) words. For perspective, the entire Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. This is 4 times the size of all Harry Potter books combined. It would take the average person 390 hours and 50 minutes (16 days) to read them all.
The haikus were extracted from 2,718,784,464 (2.7 billion) comments across 416,729 unique subreddits for a total of 80,908,650,976 (80.9 billion) words.
These pages are regenerated every 1 hour with updated scores -- please browse and upvote/downvote away.
Most of the stuff will
be reusable between
letters anyhow.
I absolutely
love the creativity
that went into that.
I thank you for that.
My curiosity is
now motivation.
Secondly, invite
claimants to kingdoms to court.
Give them a county.
almost never been
in a band were there bassist
could do it better.
In a faster, more
explosive system (Dallas
or Colorado?
S Then don't use them?...
It's much much better
than a score people get way
too worked up over.
Beautiful I like
this is idea how do
I implement it?
My biggest regret
was not going to college
before I started.
And if you do, you
need to be isolated
from humanity.
It's also going
to be my motivation
for my second one!
Extremely watered
down and devoid of any
real information.
Athena is tank,
support, and elemental
damage focused. Hey!
Is it alright If
I can do it tomorrow
or maybe later?
Im sick. oh. i see.
Holy Christ, you haven't checked
the steam reviews then.
Lock eyes, smile, act like
I got caught staring. Oh god,
tell me about it.
If the latter fail
to exist so does the source
for carbon in steel.
It hasn't even
been confirmed that Android L
released tomorrow.
Every time I find
one of you, you sound almost
exactly the same.
No one is any
stronger or any weaker
than anyone else.
Similar to what
people who regularly
meditate describe.
Hope you enjoy it.
You should post a quick review
here and let us know!
Holy shit he died?
I swear he was in a few
movies recently.
Also, it should be
noted, that the Jays are not
not spending money.
I like correcting
people who are correcting
people unjustly.
Meadow Soprano
Infect is a confusing
but fun mechanic.
A momentary
flash of desire or lust
isn't a big deal.
If the principle
is true, does this mean I should
settle with console?
I don't know enough
about guns to understand
what im looking at.
You need to orbit
at a velocity such
that you don't just drop.
He is fantastic.
He's worked the venue a few
times and knows it well.
There you go, you can
now go back to hating me.
Damn, eat dirt freshman.
[deleted] This is
already the fight and has
always been the fight.
Meant to write MH370**
You mean the IMMACULATE
All you are likely
to do is limp it along
for a while longer.
[deleted] If you
have seasonal depression
try light therapy.
*Gets a boner I'm
sorry, I swear this doesn't
usually happen!
You can determine
ancestry within any
species' DNA.
There needs to be more
water conservation &
public awareness.
Really like the first
fit, but I seriously
adore the second.
Nobody cares what
your activist movement looks
like on the inside.
But consider how
artificial things can more
strongly select traits.
Anyway, it's nice
to do some math after all
this time lol.
Oh yes, it must be
pretty rare to actually find
that one by yourself.
Amazing card. But,
I figured. I have a BIG
return period.
The Godhead doesn't
really exist in any
meaningful way now.
Indeed Well I can't
exactly complain about
the view from the front.
Before that, Russia
had to single handedly
deal with Germany.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
Because people like
to compare their own countries
to every matter.
I get that he wants
to fuck a virgin, that's it.
Bobbing for dollars!
He cleaned his bowl (pipe).
That stuff is residue, can
be smoked in a pinch.
Normal Samsung hate
aside, I don't see a whole
ton of logic here.
He was a crucial
player of the season when
we finished 5th.
I have honestly
no idea who could do
the scoring upfront.
It's the only thing
the FAR data tool will not
help you determine.
I'm sure the kids stay
safe if you don't talk about
sex and say your prayers.
You are just as dumb
as him if you expect him
to be accurate.
I don't care. They can
spy on me all they want too
and I'm fine with it.
I'll listen to you
talk because I really want
to know about you.
I took a couple
apart when I was a kid
and that's about it.
I spent 200K on two
squads, and that ought to do me.
I linked them below.
we're both happily
married now (and both to men)
so it all worked out.
2chan and 4chan have come
out of hiding, but where are
1chan and 3chan? Have fun.
Now that he's found his
stride with the magic system,
he doesn't need them.
Retired players should
stay retired and go stream shit
on twitch or something.
European ghosts
occupy an area
and often scare you.
Now I wonder, if
maybe lots of women DO
want a guy like that.
Or she was at home
playing on her computer
that entire time.
I have a huntress
on my main for when I feel
the need to play it.
I mean I get it.
It was a shit call. They still
should have kept playing.
Everything even
slightly annoying about
trucking is missing.
So I bought the first
book and immediately
started to read it.
TIL, thanks for the link.
It is not how the park is
used in practice though.
Good Awesome, this is
basically exactly what
I was looking for.
They have been living
on the land for hundreds, if
not thousands of years.
Orally absorbed
aluminum will not be
bound to antigen.
My best example
is Extra Utilities
Pink Generator.
I thought it was odd
but I had no idea
this bullshit happened.
Similar story
lines, similar premises,
similar settings.
Sure, there is that, but
Chuck also seems old enough
to be his father.
Hopefully we'll get
more characters, but there's no
guarantee we will.
A gun range is too
touchy of a subject right
now to consider.
The community
was infinitely smaller
during the beta.
So happy for you!
Because other religions
aren't homophobic.
i forgot about
the physical violence
i had to endure.
If there's an issue,
(no healer), people often
tend to say something.
So it's not just me
now you're claiming it's a whole
slew of keto vets?
They could also stop
doing their live stream events
on private servers.
Or can throwaway
accounts be tracked via Ip
address or something.
And usually our
matinee movies are like
that, lol. No.
I assume he is
looking for the cap that came
with the Granite set.
my radio has
no profile other than what
i've messed up on it.
one of my favorite
Wayne songs. that flow is silky
smooth Good shit Niko!
But seriously
I've given up trying to fit
into actual jeans.
You know how the Earth
also has an outer core
and an inner core?
**"Just enjoy yourselves
on this very informal
occasion," he said.
Speak to management
ASAP. Like others
have said, be honest.
Yes Its been said, but
Inherent Vice is very
dialogue heavy.
It's not illegal,
I'm your mom and it's my house"
Am not a minor.
An emergency
happened so I'm gonna be
out of town tonight.
An organism
reaching maturity is
not evolution.
He didn't directly
ridicule them for having
suicidal thoughts.
That's going to be
the title of my memoirs.
Oh that was Jello?
Only with random,
incredibly mentally
unstable girlfriends!
Thankfully for me
Canada is a tipping
country, lol!
I need a better
reason for doing something
than traditional.
Just think of the trust
and belief they have in you!
Wait I thought she was
*supposed* to be annoying?
(I also hate her.)
Too good. I just wish
he was a stronger hero!
Thanks for the run down!
Not surprised my friend
had me killed with his driving
Also I wasn't
debating what *can* be done
in a four year span.
My commentary
and overall quality
is much better now.
My father never
taught me to invest and save
for retirement.
Any small things you
apologized for before
you could just brush off.
Monday or Tuesday?
"That could've been painful." I've
been expecting you.
And Daddy paying
for your college doesn't make
you intelligent.
That's gonna be one
hell of a scar I don't think
my hips are tight though.
The rest was just you
stating the same thing over
and over again.
It really does put
the price considerably
higher than the P3.
I anticipate
he'll probably do it for fight
clubs exclusively.
My initial thought,
based solely on the headline,
was not positive.
[deleted] I did
not see anyone mention
the fact. Carry on.
Ya if I ever
get any cash together
that sounds like a blast.
Hell, you're morally
obligated to stand up
to the bully now.
It's actually pretty
thrilling when I get given
my coffee for free.
I just see one side
doing most of the killing,
so I call it out.
You can go naked
in mh and technically
beat every monster?
LOL, he knew
what he was doing and made
the choice to do it.
Get over this shit,
it happens every single
AAA release.
EDIT: grammar Was
there any other damage
to the car? so cute.
Nor would I, condone
such behavior towards little
children, to be sure.
I thought Hedman was
better both offensively
and defensively?
lol When did
I say anything about
Jesus either way?
If this ever went
to trial they would have to take
that into account.
I have two close friends
who are, and here's what I can
take away from them.
k i need to talk
about this with people who
get it omg.
Jared didn't realize
the brain rape until they had
enough to steal it.
Forgetting these points
are almost definitely
why it was removed.
So easy to sit
on your ass, letting other
people do the work.
They already take
every opportunity
to undermine him.
So, I finally
can go and text him asking
where are we meeting.
Now multiply those
by like, a hundred, and you
have America!
D'Angelo got
that same injury a week
into the season.
a relationship is not
really an option.
My game seems to be
crashing every time I try
to exit a match.
I get more fed up
with sexism on the front
page than nudity.
The fantasy was
definitely better than
the reality.
How do you enjoy
*any* movie or story
with that idea?
Jenny Mccarthy
is the Martin Luther King
Jr. of our time.
No loss of coolant
anywhere or milky oil?
lol well played.
Begins is the best
superhero origin
movie ever made.
I'd probably still be
playing it if it wasn't
for all the hacking.
I always wondered
how our localization
teams handled that one.
That's actually gnarly!
Whoever it was, it was
totally a girl.
So anybody
know why he was reassigned
instead of fired?
I actually have no
idea what to suggest
to you, in this case.
I can deliver
to nether factories or
you can pick them up.
TY OP I only
remember the hair of their
(I think) lead singer.
Medical drugs is
about as far as I'll go
in regards to that.
i cant open source it, its
for a company.
I've got a little
black moss for hair, but static
grass would be perfect.
This is our first trip
to Italy and I am
very excited.
The American
medical system has been
very good to me.
Thank you for posting!
It gives me hope that I will
get my body back.
In reality,
all guys would love anal if
only they tried it.
I really don't know
what I expected after
opening the rest.
there is no meaning
to it so you get to do
whatever you want.
It has a lumbar
support that is amazing.
[deleted] Oh yay!
If a dark sedan
pulls up and two guys in suits
knock on the door, run.
Any remotely
civilized society
would be anarchist.
I applied for jobs
that seemed legit, but didn't hear
anything back yet.
We had date night here
and it was awesome great drinks
food and atmosphere.
And seriously,
the witch hunt for flippers is
really pathetic.
I've used Pandora
for a long time before just
giving up on it.
Check out "The Drinking
Man's Diet" and torture me
some more. Please, Please, Please!
Because a pc
is way easier to fuck
up than a console.
That is exactly
the cost for Priority
Flat Rate envelope.
It's just common sense.
So they will try to copy
Microsoft again?
you won't change my mind
on that and i don't care if
i change your mind. cheers.
I'm certainly not
sexually attracted
to anyone else.
And that's basically
what you need to do, at least
at the beginning.
It wouldn't really
fit since every other gun
is a new model.
I apologize
for having offended you,
can we be friends now?
McBride got it Are
you saying the Fed we saw
today was prime Fed?
Sodium isn't
necessarily salt, but
salt is sodium.
It was the artwork
for the Arlington County
Fair a few years back.
That bar is quite low.
what kind of validation
are you trying to do?
So Jake descended
the escalators into
the Red Line station.
Rave in the grave new
god tier unusual That's like
your opinion, dude.
Or did he ask you
to stop and prioritize
his son over you?
Definitely sounds
like an accent you would hear
in Edinburgh.
However, that won't
be happening any time soon
because of tipping.
Does this mean he will
not vote for him if spencer
makes it to the end?
Enjoying the hell
out of it [deleted] No
in traffic Thursday?!
There is no other
possible conclusion based
on your assertions.
It's just a German
article, but everything
else is in English.
Yeah I'm not a big
fan of Helicopters but
ill give it a shot.
He's very intent
on being overpowered
and the best guy here.
[deleted] Okay,
that was pretty funny What
are you on about?